Morphing Rings

Hey noobs. Here’s a random page that you can noob to. It’s about all of the different morphing rings in RS. Because what says “i’m doing something productive with my time” than morphing into inanimate objects on Runescape? Here we go!

First of all, here are some holiday rings. They’re not trade-able, so it’s kind of a bummer if you missed the 2018 Halloween event. Better luck next time!

Ring of Pestillence

It’s okay, I guess. You get to morph into one of the 4 horsemen from the end of the world. Kind of cool.

Ring of War

This one’s pretty cool. Check out how tall that guy is! You’re like an Ent from Lord of the Rings! You can look scary and badass and tower over your enemies – as long as you don’t have to move or do anything in game, at which point you turn back into your shrimp-y character self. Lame.

Ring of Famine

This one’s okay. They really gave out a lot of rings in the Halloween event 2018. I’m honestly not sure what to do with them all. When will it end?

Ring of the Dead

Here! The last ring that was released in the 2018 Halloween event was the Ring of the Dead, where you get to be Death himself! It would be cooler if you could pull a Duriel321 and one-click kill players in safe areas when you have the ring on, but the costume is okay too, I guess.

Ring of fan mail

Have you ever wanted to be a piece of mail? Look no further! With the ring of fan mail, you can lie on the ground for hours hiding in plain sight and have people step on you! (Sounds like my last job.)

Now onto the trade-able morph rings that you can enjoy in your very own RS universe. The rings that are impulse buys that you use once and leave in the back of your bank collecting dust! Gotta love it!

Ring of Stone

This one is an absolute classic. Like a fine wine aged over the years, the ring of stone is making a comeback. It was used in the 2007 PKing / luring videos where players would turn into a stone next to the Rune rocks in the wilderness, and have people click on them. Hah! What a thrill! It totally makes the 2 hours of sitting there pretending to be a rock worthwhile.

Speaking of pking and luring, where was this ring in 2007??? Seriously. You look like a stack of cash, unmorph and kill your unwitting victims! It’s the perfect crime. You can also troll noobs at the Grand Exchange with this thing, making them click on you because they think it’s a stack of cash. Hours of endless fun. Really depending on what your definition of fun is.

Ring of Trees

How badass is this ring? You get to be a tree! Seriously fulfilling the Ent fantasies from Lord of the Rings. Troll idea – wait around on a deserted road along Draynor Village waiting for somebody to walk by, and scare them! Hah! Trust me, the reactions make the 3 hours of waiting alone pretending to be a tree worth it.
If you have any more sweet morphing rings or emotes, comment them below. Noobs.

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